Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Amphibians Amphibian Sample Free Essays

Choose any amphibian animal. Complete the following chart based on the animal of your choice. Part A: A Page for the Field Guide 20 points Rubric Contains picture and name: 0-2 points Correct content for five items: 0-10 points Creative, organized, and neat: 0-4 points Correct spelling and grammar: 0-4 points Insert name of animal here Complete the following list about your animal. We will write a custom essay sample on Amphibians Amphibian Sample or any similar topic only for you Order Now Information should be simple and in your own words! 1. Where the animal lives? On all continents of the world except Antarctica, 2. What it eats? Bugs and worms. 3. How does it reproduce (asexual or sexual reproduction)? Asexual. 4. A special adaptation and what it is used for? A frogs head has adaptations that help it to swallow prey. 5. one interesting or extra fact When a frog swallows large prey, it can close its eyelids and drop its eyeballs down into its mouth. Place picture of animal here How to cite Amphibians Amphibian Sample, Papers

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